setters是什么意思 setters的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

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setters是什么意思 setters的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

2024-07-09 22:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

setters是什么意思 setters的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 含义: ‘setters’ 可以指代多种含义, 如猎犬品种之一的雪地猎犬, 一种编写软件程序的方法,或是一种谱写音乐的方法等。在具体语境中,根据不同的上下文, ‘setters’ 所指可能有所不同。

2. 用途: ‘setters’ 这个词汇的使用场景非常广泛,可用于各行各业。例如,雪地猎犬爱好者、计算机软件工程师、音乐家等都会使用到这个词汇。

3. 语法: ‘setters’ 可以作为单数名词,也可以作为复数名词。在很多情况下,它也可以作为缩写词使用,例如 ‘set.’ 或 ‘st.’。


1. As a hunter, I have trained several setters to help me with game hunting. (猎人,我曾经训练过几只猎犬帮我打猎。)

2. The software developers used the ‘setters’ approach to code development that helped them to identify bugs quickly. (软件开发者采用了’ seter’的编码方式,这有助于他们快速发现错误。)

3. The composer used the ‘setters’ method to create a new piece of music that combined various instruments. (作曲家采用了 ‘setters’的方法,创作了一首结合了多种乐器的新曲。)

4. He had three English Setters, who were all entered in the competition. (他有三只英格兰猎犬,全部都参加了比赛。)

5. The Setters are also essential in hunting small fowl such as birds or rabbits. (猎犬在捕猎小型禽类,如鸟类或兔子方面也非常重要。)




n. (排球、网球等运动中)传球员;安放器;拼字游戏的字母单元


1. The setters have been performing very well in the past few games. (排球传球员在过去几场比赛中表现得非常出色。)

2. The Scrabble board has 100 tiles with letters on them, including two blank tiles that can be used as any letter. Each tile has a point value, and players earn points by creating words on the board using the letter tiles. (拼字游戏的棋盘上有100个带字母的瓷砖,其中包括两个可以当作任何字母使用的白色瓷砖。每个瓷砖都有一个积分值,玩家通过使用字母瓷砖在棋盘上组成单词来赚取积分。)



例句:The first known setters of Britain were the Iberians. More dramatic monuments were the henges, the most important of which was Stonehenge in Wiltshire. (人们所知的英国最早居民是伊比例亚人。更为引人注目的是那些圆形石结构,其中最重要的是在维尔特郡发现的巨石阵。)


例句:As most jet setters know, life in the fast lane exacts a high price. (大部分乘飞机到处旅游的人知道,这种高速要付出很大代价。)


例句:The early adopters and trend setters are moving away. (早期的采用者和趋势制定者正在逐步流失。)

setters一般作为名词使用,如在english setters(英国赛特犬)、gordon setters(n. 哥顿塞特犬)、jet setters([网络] 名流人物)等常见短语中出现较多。

english setters 英国赛特犬 gordon setters n. 哥顿塞特犬 jet setters [网络] 名流人物 pace setters [网络] 先导者 table setters 【棒球】(第一、二棒的)先锋击球员 wage setters [网络] 工资设定者 (wage setter 的复数)

1. The early adopters and trend setters are moving away. (翻译:早期的采用者和趋势制定者正在逐步流失。)

2. I just have to play better against them in the five setters. (翻译:我仅仅是要在五盘比赛中战胜他们。)

3. The company will also introduce a new series of : Avalon thermal plate setters in 8-up and VLF formats. (翻译:该公司还将推出一系列新的:阿瓦隆热制版和甚低频格式。)

4. Specifically, we allow multiple sets of getters and setters to be generated at once as well as advanced [Bindable] support. (翻译:特别之处在于SourceMate可以一下生成多个getters与setters,还提供了高级的[Bindable]支持。)

5. You no longer need to write getters and setters for your fields, because Groovy provides them for you automatically. (翻译:在Groovy中,不再需要为字段编写getter和setter方法,因为Groovy会自动提供它们。)

6. Lombok generates most common Java boilerplate code, including getters, setters, equals, and hashCode, just to name a few. (翻译:Lombok生成大部分公共Java样本代码,包括getters、setters、equals、以及hashCode,仅举几个例子。)

7. Some ECB rate-setters seem to suggest that a liquidity trap can be avoided simply by not reducing interest rates. (翻译:一些欧洲央行的利率制定者通常会建议,流动性陷阱通过不降低利率是可以非常容易的避免的。)

8. This can be used to generate Java code that maps any message into a regular Java object with getters and setters. (翻译:可以将这用于生成Java代码,以将任何消息映射到具有getter和setter的常规Java对象中。)

9. So far, nipping means working with international standard setters to compel companies to disclose exactly what set of rules they are using. (翻译:到目前为止,“掐死”还停留在和国际准则制定者一起强迫公司表明自己到底采用哪种会计准则的阶段上。)

10. Considering getters and setters. (翻译:关于getter和setter。)

11. The bank’s rate-setters have in any case placed greater emphasis on the strong expansion of credit that goes with buoyant deposits. (翻译:央行的汇率制定者有充足理由随着存款量上升而不断壮大信贷市场施加更大压力。)

12. Both teams have the first-rate spikers and setters. (翻译:两个队都有世界一流的主攻手和二传手。)

13. In its heyday, it was a stopping place for the jet setters even before anybody knew what a jet set was. (翻译:ウ脖戳ウ纯琌 ê糛诀︽碔花辅竲翴 笵 ぐ或琌糛诀︽ぇ玡)


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